To sum it up, I'm not opposed to #2 and #3 as long as there's a real gain from a user point of view and doesn't disproportionately increase the maintenance cost when compared to the gains.
I've worked on high profile commercial games that had platforming elements in the past, and usually the solution we ended up using was #3 when the engine allowed it or something close to #4. Keep in m
This is a one time thing. You can then use orx directly. Of course, if you decide to update it, you'll need to also compile it but you won't have to re-run setup yourself, so only steps #1 and #3 for
To sum it up, I'll address <a rel="nofollow" href="">#13</a> & <a href=&…
I am sorry if the answer is somewhere deep in forum discussion.<br />My config is something like this:<br />[Tank]<br />ChilList = TankHealthBar # obj1 # obj2<br />[TankHealthB
And we're back at <a>What is surprising is that orx has 42% of down votes. I suspect some people to simply downvote all projects that are not their favourite otherwise I don't see why people wo…
This discussion started in the <a href="" rel="nofollow">New people! thread</a> and I
Hi people,<br />I'm trying to play with orx and to do so I started with Gray's tutorial.<br />In tut number 3 a new function is introduced: GetObjectByName.<br />It searches for an …
if there is hardcoded limit on the number of contact pairs in box2D,it can't explain this crash now.<br />This time,it crashed when there are only two contact with a few balls less than ten.<…