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orxGRAPHIC structure


Texture       = path/to/ImageFile.ext
TextureOrigin = <vector>
TextureSize   = <vector>
KeepInCache   = <bool>
Text          = TextTemplate
Pivot         = (center (truncate | round)) (left | right) (top | bottom) | <vector>
Repeat        = <vector>
Flip          = x | y | both
Color         = <vector>
RGB           = <vector>
HSL           = <vector>
HSV           = <vector>
Alpha         = <float>
BlendMode     = alpha | multiply | add | premul | none
Smoothing     = <bool>


Here's a list of the available properties for an orxGRAPHIC structure:

  • Texture: Specifies which bitmap file to use as texture for our graphic object. If provided, text data will be ignored. If none is provided, a valid orxTEXT should be given in the property Text. If set to 'pixel', a 1×1 opaque white bitmap will be used. If set to 'transparent', a 1×1 transparent black bitmap will be used. If it begins with the character '$', it will be used as a locale key instead of as a plain texture. It will then be automatically updated upon a new language selection.
  • TextureOrigin: Specifies the top left corner to use in the bitmap file, in pixels (Z coordinate being ignored). By default its value is (0, 0, 0) which means the texture for the graphic object will begin at the top left of the bitmap file. This property is ignored for Text data.
  • TextureSize: Specifies the size, in pixels, of the bitmap file to use as texture (Z coordinate being ignored). By default it will use the whole bitmap, ie. its value will be the size of the bitmap. This property is ignored for Text data.
  • KeepInCache: If true, the associated texture will always stay in cache. This value is ignored for a text. Defaults to false.
  • Text: If no Texture is provided, this needs to be a valid orxTEXT entry that will be used as content for the graphic object. Will be ignored if a valid texture is provided.
  • Pivot: Defines where the pivot 1) of the graphic object is. It can be defined either relatively using the center, top, bottom, left and right keywords. Truncate and round will adjust pivot values if they are not integers, or absolutely by giving a coordinate vector (in pixels). z is ignored for 2D graphics.
  • Repeat: Specifies if the graphic object should be repeated (so as to achieve a tiling effect) when rendered. This only works for textures and not texts! The vector specifies the number of times it will be repeated on X and Y axes (Z being ignored). By default, its value is (1, 1, 0), ie. no repeat. Other values must be strictly positive. This will be ignored for text data.
  • Color: Specifies a color applied on top of the graphic object. Values are RGB from 0 to 255, eg: (255,128,0). Official HTML web color names are also supported (this list can be extended through the Color config section). If none is specified, white color will be used.
  • RGB: Values are RGB from 0.0 to 1.0. Will be used only if Color isn't defined.
  • HSL: Values are HSL from 0.0 to 1.0. Will be used only if Color and RGB aren't defined.
  • HSV: Values are HSV from 0.0 to 1.0. Will be used only if Color, RGB and HSL aren't defined.
  • BlendMode: Defines which blend mode will be used when rendering this graphic object. By default its value is none which means its owner object will determine which blend mode will be used (generally alpha blending). Default value is alpha.
  • Smoothing: Specifies if the graphic object should be rendered with antialiasing or not. If no value is provided, the default is taken from the object settings. This will be ignored for text data.

Latest config settings for the Development Version

We endeavor to keep the config properties on this page up to date as often as possible. For up to the minute config information for the latest version of Orx, check the most recent published at:

CreationTemplate.ini and


Additionally these files can be found under your orx source tree in the orx/code/bin folder.

aka HotSpot
en/orx/config/settings_structure/orxgraphic.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/25 00:58 (19 months ago) by sausage