The tutorial 11_Spawn build with debug will produce a lot of warning, when i click for some step, it just crash with flow error:
[21:33:21] [OBJECT] [orxFX.c:orxFX_CreateFromConfig():541] Couldn't create FX because config section () couldn't be found.
[21:33:21] [OBJECT] [orxFXPointer.c:orxFXPointer_AddDelayedFXFromConfig():759] Loading FX <> from config failed.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <ParticleFX> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <Particle> can't be deleted as it's protected by 453 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <Spawner> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <ParticleSpawner> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <Name> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <NameText> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <NameFadeInOut> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <Mask> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <ParticleDot> can't be deleted as it's protected by 188 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <ParticleDotFX> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <Sphere> can't be deleted as it's protected by 24 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <MaskBox1> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <MaskBox2> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <MaskBox3> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <MaskBox4> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <MaskBox5> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <MaskBox6> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_DeleteSection():1045] Warning: section <MaskBox7> can't be deleted as it's protected by 1 entities.
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_Load():2962] [11_Shader.ini]: Begin include
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_Load():2968] [11_Shader.ini]: End include
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_Load():2962] [11_Shader.ini]: Begin include
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_Load():2876] [11_ParticleMask.ini]: <Scene.ChildList> = "ParticleSpawner # Mask", was "ParticleSpawner"
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_Load():2876] [11_ParticleMask.ini]: <Particle.Color> = "(255, 255, 255)", was "(200, 0, 0) ~ (255, 255, 0)"
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_Load():2968] [11_Shader.ini]: End include
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_Load():2962] [11_Shader.ini]: Begin include
[21:33:21] [CONFIG] [orxConfig.c:orxConfig_Load():2968] [11_Shader.ini]: End include
[21:33:21] [ASSERT] [orxDisplay.c:orxDisplay_GLFW_SetShaderBitmap():4417] [ASSERT] : <(_pstValue != sstDisplay.pstScreen) && "Can't use screen bitmap as texture parameter (ID <0>) for fragment shader.">
Trace/breakpoint trap
The assert, however, is new and results from a change I made last month, thanks for pointing it out.
If you sync the repo, the tutorial should work again as intended (no more asserts but still warnings).