Why smoothing doesn't work?

edited September 2013 in Help request
When i playing with 01_Object tutorial, i have turn on very smoothing flag display object graphics, but when doing rotate it doesn't work, any idea?


  • jimjim
    edited September 2013
    Can you please post a screenshot of what your are getting ?
  • edited September 2013
    If you append this to the end of 01_Object.ini, you should be able to compare them side by side (and press space to take a screenshot):
    KEY_SPACE = Screenshot
    Extension = png
    Graphic   =
    ChildList = O1 # O2 # T1 # T2
    TrackList = T
    0         = > Input.IsActive Screenshot # EvalIf < "Screenshot.Capture"
    Loop      = true
    Graphic         = Graphic
    Smoothing       = true
    Position        = (-200, 0, 0)
    AngularVelocity = 90
    Scale           = 1.5
    Smoothing       = false
    Position        = (200, 0, 0)
    Graphic         = @
    Pivot           = center top
    Text            = @
    String          = Smoothing = true
    Position        = (-200, 200, 0)
    String          = Smoothing = false
    Position        = (200, 200, 0)
  • edited September 2013
    ; orx - Tutorial config file
    ; Should be used with orx v.1.4+

    ;ScreenWidth = 1366
    ;ScreenHeight = 768
    ScreenWidth = 800
    ScreenHeight = 600
    Title = SharpDawn
    ;FullScreen =true
    ;Smoothing =true
    ;DepthBuffer =true

    SetList = MainInput

    KEY_ESCAPE = Quit
    KEY_SPACE = Screenshot

    ;nFrequency = <float>
    ShowFPS = true
    ;ShowProfiler = true
    ;onsoleColor = <vector>

    Camera = Camera
    ;RelativePosition = bottom right
    ;Position = (100, 100, 0); NB: Position is in pixels and will be ignored if RelativePosition is specified
    ;RelativeSize = (0.5, 0.5, 0.0)
    ;Size = (200, 150, 0) NB: Size is in pixels and will be ignored if RelativeSize is specified
    ;BackgroundColor = (255, 180, 0)

    ; We use the same size for the camera than our display on screen so as to obtain a 1:1 ratio
    FrustumWidth = @Display.ScreenWidth
    FrustumHeight = @Display.ScreenHeight
    ;FrustumWidth = 2000
    ;FrustumHeight = 300
    FrustumFar = 1.0
    FrustumNear = 0.0
    Position = (0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
    ;Zoom = 0.9
    ;Rotation = 35

    Graphic = Graphic
    ;AutoScroll = x
    ;Color = (255, 0, 200)
    ;Alpha = 0.4
    ;Flip = both
    ;Position = (100.0, 200.0, 0.0)
    Rotation = 30
    ;Scale = (3.0, 1.0, 1.0) NB: z is ignored for 2D objects
    ;Smoothing = true
    ;BlendMode = add
    ;AngularVelocity = 1800
    Speed = (0, 0, 0)
    TrackList = T

    String = Why should we use a texture when we can use a text?!

    Texture = ../data/object/bg.jpg
    ;Text = Text; <= If you want to see the text, you need to comment out the texture
    Pivot = center
    ;TextureCorner = (50, 20, 0) NB: z is ignored
    ;TextureSize = (50, 80, 0) NB: z is ignored
    ;Repeat = (3.0, 2.0, 0.0)
    ;Flip = both
    ;Color = (0, 0, 255)
    ;Alpha = 0.6
    Smoothing = true

    Extension = png

    0 = > Input.IsActive Screenshot # EvalIf < "Screenshot.Capture"
    Loop = true screenshot_0001-00e848453661b696915797d16ca6d53e.png
  • edited September 2013
    This is what i play with the tutorial, when rotate the edge of the picture seems no smooth as expect :( with wrong config?
  • jimjim
    edited September 2013
    That's very known issue while rotating square texture with no alpha border, try to insert a border of alpha pixel or transparent pixel in your image using photoshop or gimp. This would smoothen the edge a lot. So if you image size is 16x16, make it 17x17 with transparent pixel around the border.

    edit : 17x17 wont work for 16x16 image, you need 18x18, 1 pixel on each side of your image
  • edited September 2013
    Ah I see from where the confusion is coming. :)
    The smoothing attribute corresponds to texture filtering (ie. hardware interpolation done inside the texture surface while sampling), not to anti-aliasing.

    You can use Jim's trick in order to get less rough edges (ie. having filtering on those extra rows of pixels) or you can integrate any anti-aliasing technique that would work for you, such as FXAA (which is a post-processing shader).
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