v1.11 has been released!

Orx - Portable Game Engine version 1.11 has been released.

Some highlights include:

  • Project build tool "Init" now supports the creation of orx/Scroll, Dear ImGui and orxArchive based projects.
  • Support changes for MinGW-w64, including new support for 64bit, addition of Visual Studio 2019 and removal of VS2013
  • OSX/Retina and Windows high DPI display issues corrected
  • Control over polled physical peripherals.
  • Text animations
  • Object LifeTimes based on fx, sound, spawn, track and child, not just time.

There is a lot in this release. Check out the full list of changes at: https://github.com/orx/orx/blob/1.11/CHANGELOG

You can download the 1.11 release here: https://github.com/orx/orx/releases/tag/1.11
And to always stay up to date, the github version is at: https://github.com/orx/orx



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