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[13 May 2020] Orx - Portable Game Engine version 1.11 has been released.

Some highlights include:

  • Project build tool “Init” now supports the creation of orx/Scroll, Dear ImGui and orxArchive based projects.
  • Support changes for MinGW-w64, including new support for 64bit, addition of Visual Studio 2019 and removal of VS2013
  • OSX/Retina and Windows high DPI display issues corrected
  • Control over polled physical peripherals.
  • Text animations
  • Object LifeTimes based on fx, sound, spawn, track and child, not just time.

There is a lot in this release. Check out the full list of changes at:

You can download the 1.11 release here: And to always stay up to date, the github version is at:

[29 Apr 2020] Railroad Lantern: Ludum Dare 46 Entry

Railroad Lantern is a fast-paced game where you dash around trains and collect oil to keep your Lantern alive. The gameplay revolves around going fast while planning your routes accordingly as each train moves at a different speed!

Can be played singleplayer or up to 4 players

Download Railroad Lantern for Windows, Mac or Linux.

[30 Mar 2020] Init now supports orx/Scroll and Dear ImGui!

Init, Orx’s project builder which creates Orx-based projects for Visual Studio, XCode, Codelite, GMake, etc now comes with new extensions!

You can now instantly create orx/Scroll projects to allow you to use object orientated patterns in C++ for Orx game development.

In addition, Dear ImGui-based projects can be created to allow the development of Orx applications with a rich GUI interface.

Of course, you can mix and match.

[15 Nov 2019] We're Back!

We had a little downtime after problems with our host. So we took the opportunity to rebuild our website from scratch.

Most resources are now back online, but a few small items (showcase, news history, …) remain which we will be bringing back in the coming weeks.