orx  1.14
Portable Game Engine
orxString.h File Reference
#include "orxInclude.h"
#include "math/orxVector.h"
#include "memory/orxMemory.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "debug/orxDebug.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define orxSTRING_KC_VECTOR_END   ')'
#define orxSTRING_KC_VECTOR_END_ALT   '}'
#define orxSTRING_KC_VECTOR_START   '('
#define orxString_ToCRC   orxString_Hash
#define STRTO_CAST   (int)


static orxINLINE orxS32 orxString_Compare (const orxSTRING _zString1, const orxSTRING _zString2)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_Delete (orxSTRING _zString)
static orxINLINE orxSTRING orxString_Duplicate (const orxSTRING _zSrcString)
orxDLLAPI void orxFASTCALL orxString_Exit ()
static orxINLINE orxU32 orxString_ExtractBase (const orxSTRING _zString, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxU32 orxString_GetCharacterCount (const orxSTRING _zString)
static orxINLINE const orxSTRING orxString_GetExtension (const orxSTRING _zFileName)
static orxU32 orxFASTCALL orxString_GetFirstCharacterCodePoint (const orxSTRING _zString, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
orxDLLAPI const orxSTRING orxFASTCALL orxString_GetFromID (orxSTRINGID _stID)
orxDLLAPI orxSTRINGID orxFASTCALL orxString_GetID (const orxSTRING _zString)
static orxINLINE orxU32 orxString_GetLength (const orxSTRING _zString)
static orxINLINE orxU32 orxString_GetUTF8CharacterLength (orxU32 _u32CharacterCodePoint)
orxDLLAPI orxSTRINGID orxFASTCALL orxString_Hash (const orxSTRING _zString)
static orxINLINE orxS32 orxString_ICompare (const orxSTRING _zString1, const orxSTRING _zString2)
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxString_Init ()
static orxINLINE orxBOOL orxString_IsCharacterAlphaNumeric (orxU32 _u32CharacterCodePoint)
static orxINLINE orxBOOL orxString_IsCharacterASCII (orxU32 _u32CharacterCodePoint)
static orxINLINE orxSTRING orxString_LowerCase (orxSTRING _zString)
static orxINLINE orxS32 orxString_NCompare (const orxSTRING _zString1, const orxSTRING _zString2, orxU32 _u32CharNumber)
static orxINLINE orxSTRING orxString_NCopy (orxSTRING _zDstString, const orxSTRING _zSrcString, orxU32 _u32CharNumber)
orxDLLAPI orxSTRINGID orxFASTCALL orxString_NHash (const orxSTRING _zString, orxU32 _u32CharNumber)
static orxINLINE orxS32 orxString_NICompare (const orxSTRING _zString1, const orxSTRING _zString2, orxU32 _u32CharNumber)
static orxINLINE orxS32 orxCDECL orxString_NPrint (orxSTRING _zDstString, orxU32 _u32CharNumber, const orxSTRING _zSrcString,...)
static orxU32 orxFASTCALL orxString_PrintUTF8Character (orxSTRING _zDstString, orxU32 _u32Size, orxU32 _u32CharacterCodePoint)
static orxINLINE orxS32 orxCDECL orxString_Scan (const orxSTRING _zString, const orxSTRING _zFormat,...)
static orxINLINE const orxSTRING orxString_SearchChar (const orxSTRING _zString, orxCHAR _cChar)
static orxINLINE orxS32 orxString_SearchCharIndex (const orxSTRING _zString, orxCHAR _cChar, orxS32 _s32Position)
static orxINLINE const orxSTRING orxString_SearchString (const orxSTRING _zString1, const orxSTRING _zString2)
orxDLLAPI void orxFASTCALL orxString_Setup ()
static orxINLINE const orxSTRING orxString_SkipPath (const orxSTRING _zString)
static orxINLINE const orxSTRING orxString_SkipWhiteSpaces (const orxSTRING _zString)
orxDLLAPI const orxSTRING orxFASTCALL orxString_Store (const orxSTRING _zString)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_ToBool (const orxSTRING _zString, orxBOOL *_pbOutValue, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_ToFloat (const orxSTRING _zString, orxFLOAT *_pfOutValue, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_ToS32 (const orxSTRING _zString, orxS32 *_ps32OutValue, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_ToS32Base (const orxSTRING _zString, orxU32 _u32Base, orxS32 *_ps32OutValue, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_ToS64 (const orxSTRING _zString, orxS64 *_ps64OutValue, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_ToS64Base (const orxSTRING _zString, orxU32 _u32Base, orxS64 *_ps64OutValue, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_ToU32 (const orxSTRING _zString, orxU32 *_pu32OutValue, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_ToU32Base (const orxSTRING _zString, orxU32 _u32Base, orxU32 *_pu32OutValue, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_ToU64 (const orxSTRING _zString, orxU64 *_pu64OutValue, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_ToU64Base (const orxSTRING _zString, orxU32 _u32Base, orxU64 *_pu64OutValue, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxSTATUS orxString_ToVector (const orxSTRING _zString, orxVECTOR *_pvOutValue, const orxSTRING *_pzRemaining)
static orxINLINE orxSTRING orxString_UpperCase (orxSTRING _zString)

Detailed Description

  • Add autoindexing for ID generation

Definition in file orxString.h.

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