====== Structure settings ====== Here are defined all the available config properties that will be recognized by orx for all types of structures.\\ All these settings can be found in the [[https://github.com/orx/orx/blob/master/code/bin/CreationTemplate.ini?at=default|CreationTemplate.ini]] file along with their short descriptions. Please refer to the [[en:orx:config:syntax]] page for more info on how to write config files. Here's the list of all available structures: * [[orxanim|Animation]] * [[orxbody|Body]] * [[orxjoint|Joint]] * [[orxcamera|Camera]] * [[orxclock|Clock]] * [[orxfx|FX]] * [[orxgraphic|Graphic]] * [[orxobject|Object]] * [[orxshader|Shader]] * [[orxsound|Sound]] * [[orxspawner|Spawner]] * [[orxtext|Text]] * [[orxviewport|Viewport]] * [[orxtimelinetrack|Timeline Track]]