====== Building the Orx Library with Xcode on Mac OS X ====== You can build the Orx Library using Xcode. Be warned, Xcode is a fickle mistress, so unless you already know and love Xcode, I recommend Codelite, or plain gmake for building Orx. I assume you have already cloned Orx. If not, follow this guide first: [[en:tutorials:orx:mac:cloning_and_building_orx_on_mac|Cloning and building the Orx library on the Mac]] When Orx is first cloned, and the ''setup.sh'' script has been run as per that tutorial, you will have a convenient Xcode project ready for you. Start by loading the Orx project with Xcode. You can find this located at: ''orx/code/build/mac/xcode''. {{ tutorials:orx:mac:open-orx-project-with-xcode.gif |}} Click the ''Build'' option in the ''Product'' menu. This will build the Debug version of the Orx library. {{ tutorials:orx:mac:xcode-product-build.gif |}} Confirm this has been built by opening Finder and visiting: ''orx/code/lib/dynamic''. You'll see the //liborxd.dylib// library file. The ''d'' in the file stands for //Debug//. {{ tutorials:orx:mac:xcode-liborxd.gif |}} Now compile the Profile version of the Orx Library by clicking the current Scheme of ''orx > My Mac'', and selecting ''Edit Scheme''. {{ tutorials:orx:mac:xcode-edit-scheme.gif |}} Here you can see the Scheme settings. Ensure you are on ''Run'' on the left, and the ''Info'' tab is selected. {{ tutorials:orx:mac:xcode-scheme-settings.gif |}} Change the ''Build Configuration'' to ''Profile'', and click ''Close''. Select the ''Build'' menu again. {{ tutorials:orx:mac:xcode-scheme-to-profile.gif |}} {{ tutorials:orx:mac:xcode-product-build.gif |}} The next library will be available in the ''orx/code/lib/dynamic'' folder: {{ tutorials:orx:mac:xcode-liborxp.gif |}} Lastly, make the Release version of the Orx library by clicking the ''orx > My Mac'' Scheme, and ''Edit Scheme'', then changing the ''Build Configuration'' to ''Release'' {{ tutorials:orx:mac:xcode-scheme-to-release.gif |}} Click ''Build'' in the ''Product'' menu. {{ tutorials:orx:mac:xcode-product-build.gif |}} {{section>en:tutorials:orx:mac:finding_the_orx_libraries_for_mac&nofooter&noeditbutton}}