====== Scroll, Cameras and Viewports ====== This is a super short tutorial, more a reminder of how Cameras and Viewports are a tad different from a plain orx project. ===== The MainCamera and MainViewport ===== In a Scroll project, the MainCamera and MainViewport are created automatically. They are not created manually in the ''init()'' function like in a plain orx project. As long as they are defined in the config file (and they come with a generated project), then they will be created when the game starts. ===== Getting Access ===== Of course you can still get access to the default ones via code using: orxFLOAT viewportWidth = 0; orxFLOAT viewportHeight = 0; orxViewport_GetSize(this->GetMainViewport(), &viewportWidth, &viewportHeight); and... camera = this->GetMainCamera(); currentZoom = orxCamera_GetZoom(camera); ===== Other Viewports ===== You can continue to create other viewports the standard way, for example: orxViewport_CreateFromConfig("SomeOtherViewport"); And matching config could be: [HudViewport] Camera = HudCamera Size = (200, 200, 0) RelativePosition = bottom right [HudCamera] FrustumWidth = 200 FrustumHeight = 200 FrustumFar = 2.0 FrustumNear = 0.0 Position = (0.0, 0.0, -2.0) Zoom = 0.02 That's it, nice and short.