====== Z-Order of Objects with Joints ====== This is a very small tutorial, and the main point is going to be this: Joints use ''ParentAnchor'' and ''ChildAnchor'' for connecting, however the z coordinate of the ''Position'' property is super important for getting the z order of your objects right. I could leave it there, but I'll show an example to illustrate: [Robot] Graphic = RobotGraphic Position = (0, 0, 0) ;robot sits at dead centre and 0 z-index ChildList = LeftWheel ChildJointList = WeldLeftWheelJoint Body = RobotBody [RobotGraphic] Texture = robot-inside.png Pivot = center [RobotBody] Dynamic = true PartList = RobotBodyPart [RobotBodyPart] Type = box Solid = true Then for the wheel that attaches to the robot: [WheelGraphic] Texture = wheel.png Pivot = center [LeftWheel] Graphic = WheelGraphic Position = (0, 0, -0.5) ; Here's the point. Make the wheel sit on top of the robot. Body = LeftWheelBody [WeldLeftWheelJoint] Type = weld ParentAnchor = (-50, 40, 0) ChildAnchor = (10, 10, 0) ; weld here, but don't bother with the z coord. Collide = false [LeftWheelBody] Mass = 10 Density = 0.5 Dynamic = true PartList = LeftWheelBodyPart [LeftWheelBodyPart] Type = box Solid = true This should help you ensure the drawing order of the objects with joints.