__Please note: For a better, more efficient method of working with sprites and cut ups, consider: [[en:tutorials:tools:darkfunction_to_orx|darkFunction to Orx Converter]]. For gimp users, this tool will still remain here.__ ===== Addin for The Gimp to Extract Guides for Configuration ===== This is an add-in for The Gimp so that the user can load an image of sprites, place guides and export a partial configuration section for pasting back into an INI file. This was created to remove the manual process of copy/pasting pixel locations and sprite widths between Gimp and configuration files. ==== Installing the add-in for Gimp ==== - Download the add-in from here: {{tutorials:community:sausage:orx-sprite-guides.zip|}} - Unzip the file somewhere temporarily as: orx-sprite-guides.scm - Copy to C:\Program Files\Gimp-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\scripts for windows or /usr/share/gimp/2.0/scripts/ (usually) for linux - Fire up Gimp and check that the menu Filters / Orx / Orx Sprite Guides exists. ==== How to Use ==== {{tutorials:animation:gog_1openingimp.png|}} 1. Open your sprite file in the Gimp. {{tutorials:animation:gog_2placeguides.png|}} 2. Place guides onto the image to divide up the sprites. Multiple horizontal and vertical guides can be placed. {{tutorials:animation:gog_3selectorxspriteguidesscript.png|}} 3. Select Orx Sprite Guides from the Filters menu. {{tutorials:animation:gog_4enterdetails.png|}} 4. Enter the name of your action and source graphic so that it will be nicely formatted as part of the next step. Click Ok or press enter. {{tutorials:animation:gog_5boutputforini.png|}} 5. An Orx formatted configuration section will popup. This can be selected and copy/pasted into your INI file.