====== Creating your own ImGui based project ======
Huge thanks go to the //thegwydd// for his work bringing the Dear ImGui User Interface Library to Orx.
You can easily generate a Dear ImGui project using ''init'' from the github version of Orx.
This article assumes that you have [[en:tutorials:orx:cloning_orx_from_github|downloaded the latest version of Orx from github]] and have built Orx.
===== How to Create your own Dear ImGui project =====
There are two ways to create a Dear ImGui project. Firstly, using Interactive Mode:
Then follow all the prompts and choose ''yes'' when asked if you want to include Dear ImGui:
[Extension] imgui: Dear ImGui support (https://github.com/ocornut/imgui)? (no)
The second way is to specify everything on the commandline:
init myGameFolder/MyGame +imgui
===== Working with your project =====
Load your new Dear ImGui project using your favourite IDE. You'll find your build in the ''build'' folder.
Compile and run. You should get a nice screen with demo gui controls.
{{ :tutorials:imgui-orx-project-logo.png |}}
And just for some extra flair, add a little up/down movement to the logo in your main config file:
Graphic = @
Texture = logo.png
Pivot = center
AngularVelocity = 18
FXList = FadeIn # ColorCycle # MoveAround
SlotList = @
Type = position
StartTime = 0.0
EndTime = 4
Curve = sine
StartValue = (0,0)
EndValue = (0, -300)
Loop = true
===== orx/Scroll based projects =====
You can also create an orx/Scroll-based Dear ImGui project. See: [[en:tutorials:orxscroll:creating_your_own_scroll_project_using_init|Creating your own orx/Scroll project using 'init']]
===== Learning ImGui =====
To get started learning how to use the UI Library, check the official repo page: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
You can also find the previous guide for Orx and Dear ImGui here: [[https://github.com/thegwydd/ImGuiOrx|guide to create the imgui_orx library and demo project]].