====== Getting Started Learning Paths ====== ====== Setting up a Development Environment ====== If you don't have a compiler and editor yet, these guides can help you get started with some choice suitable for Orx. Windows does not need any particular set up. * [[en:tutorials:orx:windows:setting_up_dev_on_windows|Setting up a Development Environment for Windows]] * [[en:tutorials:orx:linux:setting_up_dev_on_linux|Setting up a Development Environment on Linux]] * [[en:tutorials:orx:mac:setting_up_dev_on_mac|Setting up a Development Environment for Mac OS X]] * [[en:tutorials:android:getting_android_tools_and_orx|Getting Android Studio on Windows]] {{wiki:arrow-down.png|}} ====== Choosing a compiler and building Orx ====== * [[en:tutorials:orx:windows:cloning_and_building_orx_on_visual_studio|Building the Orx library on Windows with Visual Studio]] * [[en:tutorials:orx:windows:getting_codelite_for_windows|Building the Orx library on Windows with Codelite]] * [[en:tutorials:orx:windows:compiling_orx_with_mingw32_gmake|Compiling Orx with mingw32/gmake on Windows]] * [[en:tutorials:orx:linux:building_orx_with_codelite_on_linux|Building the Orx library on Linux with Codelite]] * [[en:tutorials:orx:linux:building_orx_using_codeblocks_for_linux|Building the Orx library on Linux with Code::Blocks]] * [[en:tutorials:orx:mac:cloning_and_building_orx_on_mac|Cloning and building the Orx library on the Mac]] * [[en:tutorials:orx:mac:building_orx_on_codelite_for_mac|Building the Orx library on a Mac with Codelite]] * [[en:tutorials:orx:mac:building_orx_using_codeblocks_for_mac|Building the Orx library on a Mac with Code::Blocks]] * [[en:tutorials:orx:mac:building_orx_with_xcode_on_mac|Building the Orx Library with Xcode on Mac OS X]] * [[en:tutorials:android:setup_android|Compiling the Orx Library and Demo Project for Android]] For troubleshooting help building Orx please see: [[en:tutorials:orx:troubleshoot_building_orx|Troubleshoot Building Orx]] {{wiki:arrow-down.png|}} ====== Starting your own Orx based Project ====== * [[en:tutorials:projects:creating_your_own_project|Creating your own Orx-based Project using 'init']] * [[en:tutorials:orx:mac:setting_up_a_project_on_mac|Setting up a game project on the Mac]]