Table of Contents

orxANIMSET structure


Animation Set

Frequency     = <float>
KeepInCache   = <bool>
StartAnim     = Animation
StartAnimList = Animation1 # ... # AnimationN
Prefix        = <string>
Digits        = <int>
Animation     = <string>
Animation     = <string>
Animation     = empty
Animation->   = {.!+-}Animation1 # ... # {.!+-}AnimationN

Animation and Animation<N>

Texture       = path/to/ImageFile.ext
TextureOrigin = <vector>
TextureSize   = <vector>
Text          = TextTemplate 
Direction     = left | right | down | up # left | right | down | up
FrameSize     = <vector>
KeyDuration   = <float>
[AnimationTemplate<N>] ; eg: AnimationTemplate0003
KeyEvent      = <string>
TextureOrigin = <vector>
TextureSize   = <vector>
FrameIndex    = <int>
String        = "string to display"
KeyDuration   = <float>


Animation set

This AnimationSet section will become the parent of any Animation section used by it. So they will become common properties to all the animations or animation frames. Properties such as FrameSize, Texture, KeyDuration or Direction can be defined here.

Here's a list of the available properties for an animation set:


NB: Do not use manual inheritance at the section level as it will be overridden at runtime; it's parent will then become the animation set section.

Here's a list of the available properties for an animation:


For example: Animation0004 or Animation0005 etc

NB: Do not use manual inheritance at the section level as it will be overridden at runtime: its parent will then become the animation section.

Here's a list of the available properties for an animation frame override:


See: Animation Walk-through.

General things to note on the Animation System

You can listen to the orxEVENT_TYPE_ANIM events if you still want to be notified when transitions occur.

Between two animations, the calculated path will take the highest priority links at each step and if two links with the same priority are found, it will then take the one that leads to the shortest path (ie. the least amount of links needed to reach destination).

NB: If you don't feel at ease with this graph system, you can still define all your animations separately and then do all the transitions manually every time the current animation has been completely played (listening to the orxANIM_EVENT_STOP event, for example).

Latest config settings for the Development Version

We endeavor to keep the config properties on this page up to date as often as possible. For up to the minute config information for the latest version of Orx, check the most recent published at:

CreationTemplate.ini and


Additionally these files can be found under your orx source tree in the orx/code/bin folder.