Table of Contents

orxBODY_JOINT structure


A good summary of the various joint types can be found here:

Revolute Joint

Type = revolute;
ParentAnchor = [Vector]
ChildAnchor = [Vector]
Collide = true|false
Rotation = [Float]
MinRotation = [Float]
MaxRotation = [Float]
MotorSpeed = [Float]
MaxMotorTorque = [Float]

Prismatic Joint

Type = prismatic;
ParentAnchor = [Vector]
ChildAnchor = [Vector]
Collide = true|false
Rotation = [Float]
TranslationAxis = [Vector]
MinTranslation = [Float]
MaxTranslation = [Float]
MotorSpeed = [Float]
MaxMotorForce = [Float]

Spring Joint

Type = spring
ParentAnchor = [Vector]
ChildAnchor = [Vector]
Collide = true|false
Length = [Float]
Frequency = [Float]
Damping = [Float]

Rope Joint

Type = rope
ParentAnchor = [Vector]
ChildAnchor = [Vector]
Collide = true|false
Length = [Float]

Pulley Joint

Type = pulley
ParentAnchor = [Vector]
ChildAnchor = [Vector]
Collide = true|false
ParentGroundAnchor = [Vector]
ChildGroundAnchor = [Vector]
ParentLength = [Float]
MaxParentLength = [Float]
ChildLength = [Float]
MaxChildLength = [Float]
LengthRatio = [Float]

Suspension Joint

Type = suspension;
ParentAnchor = [Vector]
ChildAnchor = [Vector]
Collide = true|false
TranslationAxis = [Vector]
MinTranslation = [Float]
MaxTranslation = [Float]
MotorSpeed = [Float]
MaxMotorForce = [Float]

Weld Joint

Type = weld;
ParentAnchor = [Vector]
ChildAnchor = [Vector]
Collide = true|false
Rotation = [Float]

Friction Joint

Type = friction;
ParentAnchor = [Vector]
ChildAnchor = [Vector]
Collide = true|false
MaxForce = [Float]
MaxTorque = [Float]

Gear Joint

Type = gear
ParentAnchor = [Vector]
ChildAnchor = [Vector]
Collide = true|false
ParentJoint = [String]
ChildJoint = [String]
JointRatio = [Float]



Here's a list of common properties for the joints. Note that not all of the joins support these properties.

Revolute Joint

Prismatic joint

Spring Joint

Rope Joint

Pulley Joint

Suspension Joint

Weld Joint

Does not have any properties except those defined in the summary.

Friction Joint

Gear Joint

Latest config settings for the Development Version

We endeavor to keep the config properties on this page up to date as often as possible. For up to the minute config information for the latest version of Orx, check the most recent published at:

CreationTemplate.ini and


Additionally these files can be found under your orx source tree in the orx/code/bin folder.