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Working with ScrollObjects and Custom Classes

ScrollObjects are Class Templates. They provide many functions such as OnCreate, Update, OnCollide etc.

If we had a scroll object class file, say: Spaceship.cpp, and it had been included and properly bound, We could create an instance of our object with:

ScrollObject *ship = CreateObject("Spaceship");

This much is all pretty standard. But when you extend the Spaceship class to support extra methods, using ScrollObject as a class type will not give access to the new methods.

In order to create an instance of Spaceship, which gives access to all your new methods, you need to use:

Spaceship *ship = CreateObject<Spaceship>("Spaceship");

From here you can use other methods like:

en/examples/orx_scroll/scrollobjects_and_custom_classes.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/21 05:01 (21 months ago) by sausage