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orxCAMERA structure


FrustumHeight = <float>
FrustumWidth  = <float>
FrustumNear   = <float>
FrustumFar    = <float>
Position      = <vector>
Rotation      = <float>
Zoom          = <float>


Here's a list of the available properties for an orxCAMERA structure:

  • FrustumNear/FrustumFar: Defines the near and far planes for the camera frustum. The near plane is excluded whereas the far plane is included when doing render culling.
  • FrustumHeight/FrustumWidth: As orx's cameras are 2D ones, their frustum are rectangle cuboids instead of real frustums. If you want to achieve a 1:1 aspect ratio with your main display window, you can use the Display.ScreenHeight and Display.ScreenWidth values.
  • Position: Camera's initial position.
  • Rotation: Camera's initial rotation (along its Z-axis).
  • Zoom: Camera's initial zoom.
en/orx/config/settings_structure/orxcamera.1253709143.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/30 00:50 (7 years ago) (external edit)