I was searching of easy 2d water effects and found that texture scrolling along with tiling/repeating can be used to make simple water effects.
So far I have not found anything related to texture scrolling in the forum.
This video demonstrates simple water effect with texture scrolling
As, we can provide our own mesh or vertex list, with scrolling and mesh, the following effect would not be impossible I guess
Detailed description is give here,
- for meshes you're drawing yourself with orxDisplay_DrawMesh(), you can easily change the UVs per vertex.
- for those meshes or any rendered object, really, a simple shader similar to what you've found can be used and it's probably the best/easiest way to do it as you can do much more than just changing the UVs
However, even if you can manually set the texture wrapping to repeat, I wouldn't do that: that means you can't use a texture atlas/spritesheet, which means you can't batch that rendering with other objects.
That being said, orx will add some variables to your shaders givin the UV values for the top left and bottom right corners.
With those, you can simulate repetition as much as you want.
For example, try pasting that at the end of code/bin/BounceAlt.ini
If it's not working, you should check the debug log (assuming you're running in debug) for any errors, potentially shader compilation ones.
Edit: I am providing you the whole debug log here http://pastebin.com/VhfbbWph
Then it looks like it's not defining the time property correctly, which means that either your copy/paste from here to the config file isn't complete or that you're using an old version, prior to April 2013.
Weird that it tries to create a texture named time though, I'll look into it.