Color literals have been added for all HTML web colors. The list can be modified/expanded directly inside the Color config section. These colors can be used for Object, Graphic and FX Color
values (StartValue/EndValue when the Curve = color) as well as Viewport BackgroundColor
The list of web colors can be found at:
All the colors are stored inside a config section named [Color]
, they can also be retrieved by the user or even modified/extended like this:
[Color] MyShadeOfGrey = (100, 100, 100)
This would allow usage on an object, for example:
[MyObject] Color = MyShadeOfGrey
All the official web colors have been added. Therefore you could use a color on an object like this:
[Object] Color = PowderBlue
This is opposed to using an RGB color vector:
[Object] Color = (176, 224, 230)
All the colors under section [Color]
, which can be extended/modified at will. And there also are vectors in the code source as well that match all the web colors. For example: orxVECTOR_POWDER_BLUE
. You can find all these in:
Lower case and Pascal Case variants both work, with or without spaces. Therefore you can use combinations like:
This won't work:
Worth noting that this feature does not extend to shaders.
The issue being that in the case of Object, Graphic and FX, using a color literal is unambiguous.
But in the case of a shader, someone could be using a texture named “Black” or “White”, and instead of a texture with this name would become a vector instead. The safest approach in the case of shaders is to leave it explicit:
[ObjectMoon] MoonColor = [Shader] ParamList = LightColor LightColor = @ObjectMoon.MoonColor